The common fly is considered an appallingly prolific insect.
Each female fly is capable of laying 120 eggs at a time. Out of the eggs
hatched, half of them are generally females.
The female flies hatched grow sufficiently within 20 days to
lay eggs themselves.
Assuming that the female fly lays her first eggs on the 1st
of April, can you tell how many eggs will be hatched in the course of that
summer, in the seventh generation.
Answer: 1 April: A female fly lays 120 eggs.
Mid-April 120 files will hatch. Females: 60
20 April: 60 female
flies lay 120 eggs each Beginning of May 60x 120 = 7200 flies will hatch.
Females: 3600
5 may: 3600 female
flies lay 120 eggs each. Mid –May 3600x 120 = 43200 files will hatch.
Females: 216000
25 May: 216000
females’ files lay 120 eggs each Beginning of June 216000 x 120 = 25920000
flies will hatch. Females:
14 June: 12960000
female flies lay 120 eggs each End of June 12960000 x 120 = 15552000000 flies
will hatch.
Females: 777600000
15 July:
777600000 female flies lay 120 eggs each Mid- July 777600000 x 120 =
93312000000 flies will hatch. Females:
25 July: 46656000000
female flies lay 120 eggs each Beginning of August 46656000000 x 120 =
559872000000 will hatch.
Female files: 27993600000000
13 Aug:
27993600000000 female flies lay 120 eggs each. Last week of August
27993600000000 x 120 = 33592320000000 files will hatch.
Just in one summer the number of flies that would hatch
would be: 33592320000000
Taking each fly to be 5 mm long, if they form a straight
line, the distance covered would be2, 500000000 Kilometers – 18 times longer
than the distance from the earth to the sun.
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