Saturday 13 December 2014

Decode the Mnemonic

Here is a piece of Mnemonic: 

Now I ─ even I, would celebrate
In rhymes unapt the great
Immortal syracusan rivaled never more,
Who in his wondrous lore
Passed in before,
Left men his guidance
How to circles mensurate.
Can you tell what it signifies?

Answer: Pi to 30 decimal places.

A Problem of Water Lillies

           In India water Lillies grow extremely rapidly in the ponds. If the growth enlarged so much that each day it covered a surface double that which it filled the day before, so that at the end of the 20th day it entirely covered the pond, in which it grew, how long would it take two water lillies of the same size at the outset and take two water lillies of the same size at the outset and at the same rate of growth to cover the same pond?

Answer: 19 days

Special number

   What is special about this number 1729 ─?

Answer:     This is the only known number that is a sum of two cubes n two different ways.
Example: 10ᶾ + 9ᶾ = 1729, 12ᶾ + 1ᶾ = 1729

          This is popularly known as Ramanujam’s number. There is an interesting story about it. The story goes this way. When Ramanujam was sick in the hospital, Prof. Hardy, his tutor paid him a visit. Prof. Hardy told Ramanujam that he rode a taxicab to the hospital, with a very unlucky number.

         When Ramanjam enquired what the number was, Prof. Hardy replied: 1729.

          Ramanujam’s face lit up with a smile and he said that it was not an unlucky number at all, but a very interesting number, the only number that can be represented as the sum of two cubes in two different ways!

Average Speed

            It was a long drive. I drove 60 kilometres at 30 kilometres per hour and then an additional 60 kilometres at 50 kilometres per hour. Compute my average speed over the 120 kilometres.

Answer:   Time required for the first sixty miles                            : 120 minutes
                Time required for the second sixty miles                        :72 minutes
                Total time required                                                       : 192 minutes

I travelled 120 miles in 192 minutes. Therefore the average speed n miles per hour was   : 60 x 120 / 192   =37 ½

Out in the Cold

      Mammu and I, we were on a tour of West Germany.

     It was a very cold winter evening. We stepped in the street to walk to a coffee shop. Mammu is only five and a half years old. We were dressed similarly. Who do you think felt colder?

Answer:      Here again there is an example of a problem that does not seem mathematical at all at the first glance but a closer look will reveal that this is a problem that cannot be solved without geometry.

        We all know that things usually cool down from the surface. So a child standing out in the street, in the cold, feels the cold more than a similarly dressed adult, though the amount of heat in each cubic centimeter of the body is almost the same in the case of both.

     A child has a greater cooling surface per one cubic centimeter of the body than an adult.
This also explains why a person’s fingers and nose suffer more from cold and get frost bitten oftener than any other parts of the body whose surface is not so great when compared to their volume.

           This same theory explains why splint wood catches fire faster than the log from which it has been chopped off. Heat spreads from the surface to the whole volume of a body and therefore the heat sets splint wood on fire faster than the log.

Third Dimension of a Box

      I have a box. The two dimensions of the box are 4” and 3”. Compute the third dimension of the box so that the space diagonal of the box is an integer.

Answer:      12 inches. The diagonal of the end is 5. Therefore the space diagonal will be the hypotenuse of a right angle, one of whose legs is 5, the other an integer.

Three numbers, known as the Pythagorean Triples, can be represented by:
m1 ½ (m¹ -1) and ½ (m² +1) because
m₂+ (½ (m² -1 ) )² =  ( ½ (m² + 1 ) ) ²
5² + 12² = 13². The other dimension is 12 inches, Therefore the space diagonal is 13 inches.
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