Saturday 6 December 2014

At the Fair

            At the fair I bought 6 pineapples and two jackfruits for Rs. 15. If I could have bought 4 more pineapples for RS. 14 than jackfruits for Rs. 9. What would be the price of each?

Answer:    Pineapples cost Rs. 1.75 apiece and jackfruits Rs. 2.25.

The Bargain

           Sometimes one is mystified at the startling reductions some people make in their prices and wonders on what principle the reductions are based. To quote an example three years ago a friend offered me a used typewriter for Rs. 1024. A year later he offered me the same for Rs. 640 and last year he wanted Rs. 400 and now he is willing to sell it to me for Rs. 250. But I have decided to buy it when he reduces next time.

          If he does a consistent reduction, at what price will he offer the typewriter to me next?

Answer:    It is obvious that the seller of the typewriter follows the rule to reduce three- eighths of the price at every reduction, and, therefore, after the consistent reduction, the typewriter should be next offered for Rs. 156.25.

The ‘Mixed Double’

            Four married couples played a tennis tournament of ‘mixed doubles’. A man and a woman always played against a man and a woman. However, no person ever played with or against any other person more than once. They all played together n two courts on three successive days. 

          Can you show how they could have done it?

Answer:     Let’s call the men A B C D and their wives E F G H. They must play in such a way that no person ever plays twice with or against another person.

                                                 First Court                            second Court
1st day                                   AD against BF                    CE against DF
2nd day                                 AH against CF                      DE against BH
3rd day                                  AF against DG                      BE against CH

In this way no man ever plays with or against his own/ wife.

How Much?

        I have two 10 paise coins. If ⅘ of what I have is ⁸⁄₉ of what you have, how much do you have?

Answer:  18 paise.

The Strange Two Numbers

               There are two whole numbers, difference of their squares is a cube and the difference of their cubes is a square. These are the smallest possible numbers. 

              Can you find the numbers?

Answer:  10² - 6² = 100 – 36 =64 =4³
                 10³ - 6³ = 1000 - 216 = 784 = 28²

The Sixteen fours

         How can you make a total of 1,000 by using sixteen 4’s? 

Answer:   444 + 444+ 44+ 44 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 +4

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